【同义词辨析】 2019-07-12 迅速quick-apt
quick: stresses instancy of response and is likely to connote native rather than acquired power: a ~ mind. (acquired从外部获得的、习得的,不是本身就具有的,如Acquired Immuno Defect Syndrome获得性免疫系统缺陷症) (instant立即implies what happens immediately,如I'll be back in an instant我立即回来,如Mr Porter's book was an instant hit波特先生的书一经推出立即大受欢迎,这个词还表示速溶方便的,如instant coffee/noodles速溶咖啡/方便面)
prompt: is more likely to connote training and discipline that fits one for instant response: the ~ response of emergency medical technicians.
ready: suggests facility and fluency in response: backed by a pair of ~ assistants. (fluent形容人说话流利,有两层意思1是说话轻松,2是说的内容多,如a fluent English speaker一个说流利英语的人)
apt: stresses the possession of qualities, such as high intelligence, a particular talent, or a strong bent, that make quick effective response possible: an ~ student.
quick快速: 表示立即响应,常表示天生而非习得的能力,prompt快速: 暗示由于培训训练使人能立即响应(如例句中的医疗团队),ready准备就绪: 表示能够轻松流畅的响应,apt聪明机灵: 强调具有智商天赋爱好等特质,所以能够快速响应
记忆方法: 1)首字母PARQ的发音是park公园<==迅速 体育锻炼不但增强记忆力,还提升大脑抗压能力,使人反应更迅速
2)迅速的意思是反应快不迟疑犹豫mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability. respond和answer, reply的区别是,respond一般表示"快速"反应implies quick reaction,如本组4个词的解释中都有这个词.